The Hutt Valley Model Engineering Society Inc

Marine Parade, Petone, Wellington, New Zealand

New Track Construction

The raised track owned by the club has been in existence for nearly 50 years. It has been maintained by club members but had got well past any further maintenance being cost effective so the decision was made to replace it. Many options were looked at and rather novel solution chosen.



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At the track

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New Track Construction

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Early days at the Petone track

Photo of the raised track from many years ago before a huge storm devastated the Petone foreshore. This caused the local council upgrade the sea defences and and now the harbour cannot be seen in the distance, as it can here.

The state of the  raised track 

Although this isn't a recent picture the state of the track can be seen. Apart from one section, it had never been galvanized and being so close to the coast rust was always a problem.

Thursday 6 October - Locks are changed to give the contractors control of access to the site.

Contractors equipment arrives on site


Old line demolished and removed from site

Diggers trench new rail line route 

Sand base compacted


Base course delivered



Base course spread ready for rolling


Datum pins and levels set.

Base course filled and rolled to final height


Base course complete

The 'secret weapon'  

A roadside kerbing machine with template for the raised track plinth manufactured by one of the project team members


Making a start and sorting out teething problems
Tidying up

Following the kerbing machine and applying the finishing touches while the concrete is still workable


Along the back straight


The new curve approaching the station


Nearing the the end. 

The blade cutter in the foreground is used to cut 'stress relievers at intervals along the casting

Just about done

All complete with the new access way just laid

Mock up of the track construction on display at the Waitangi Day open day

Cutting batches of the 800 sleepers required for the job

Roy and Ross drilling the rail ends for the fishplates

The track drilling jig

17 March 2012 

Track construction starts!! Ross inspecting Dave's first batch of welds prior to setting out the next set of sleepers.

(note the temporary screening. Behind the fence in the background is a public walkway, anybody on the path cannot see the welding flare from close up)

Dave welding while Ross watches on. In Ross's hand is the weld plan, designed to reduce any possible distortion while the welds cool

Nearing the end of the first 6 Metre section of the track. Only another 29 to go

14 April 2012

The first sections back from being galvanized. Ross "persuading" the hold down anchor into its locating hole. Phil in the background joining the section fishplates. 

Close up of section joint 

09 June 2012

The last curve before the station straight


9 June 2012

Preparing for the swing arm installation


1 November 2012

Swing arm in place and feeder tracks nearing completion. 




11 December 2012

The unofficial opening as Diana makes her way down to the swing arm for the first run on the completed track


Moving the swing arm into position 


David Grant-Taylor supervising the departure for the first circuit

Plenty of steam before completing the circuit 

David T, who did the bulk of the welding has his drive around.


  David G-T was talked into a circuit or two as well  

David and Peter Anderson ride behind Ross.

"Diana", "Maggie" and "Elva"  preparing for a day at the track 


"Maggie" has her first day out

 The new track earning its keep with fare paying passengers 

First run for "Belton Manor"  

Dave directing operations Owain Glyndwr  and Maggie

The 7/25"guage supporting cast

Claude introducing the mayor Ray Wallace

The official opening by the Mayor

Ray Wallace cut the ribbon with our observing members spread out around the station area, Claude looking particularly  pleased. 


The Mayor and Shelley  took a ceremonial first lap behind Diana



Ross with Diana, took the previous owner, Trevor Watt, and the builder, Bob Walters, for a circuit behind ‘their’ loco.! ! !


Maggie and Dolgoch

Peter’s 7½?G “Owain Glyndwr” running so well, on our track for the first time


The Hutt City Council Mayor, Ray Wallace, rather enjoying driving Ec8 for a couple of circuits after performing the opening ceremony of our rebuilt raised track at Beach, Petone. Dolgoch  follows, but will have to wait for the time delay on the points  control before continuing.


The money paper weight previously used in the ticket office. It will lead a different life now, in the Mayoral Office.


Claude relaxing at the end of the day with a run behind Emma with Chris



This page is maintained by HVMES.
Last updated: Feb 2013.
Pages and content copyright © 1995-2011 HVMES, Wellington, New Zealand. All rights reserved.